Hi, I'm Shaya.

(It rhymes with "papaya.")

If I had a proper bio, it would look funny here: it would say things like "studied philosophy and linguistics," "edited a major daily newspaper," "designed web interfaces for digital search tools," and "founded and directed an arts non-profit."

A long and winding road. There's a unifying element: all of these paths involve ways of connecting people with information.

The camera and I work together to connect people with information about you. Who you are, what's important to you, how you spend your days, who you spend them with. That's your story. And your story is best told when you're comfortable and in your element.

You may want to share your story with others. You may want to capture a moment in time for yourself. Either way, it's uniquely yours, and it's worth telling.

I'd love to tell your story. Would you like to work together? Let's do it.

Photographer Shaya Lyon shooting on location at the Pike Place Market in Seattle.

(Portrait of the artist by Mike Holzinger)